About me…

Kim Bussey-Chamberlain is an NHS paramedic clinical supervisor. Prior to this role she worked frontline on an ambulance and also as a Paramedic Science lecturer at St George’s University of London.

She is passionate about increasing the public’s awareness of what being a paramedic really involves. She is an advocate of supporting frontline workers to look after their mental health and to find a work life balance in order to promote the longevity of these high pressure jobs.

Kim is married to her long suffering wife (they met aged 7) and mama to two wild toddlers. She strives to educate and promote awareness around LGBT+ parenting.

  • Working as an NHS paramedic is a challenge and a privilege in equal measure. Getting to share some of these highs and lows with you has been awesome.

  • Podcast Host

    Beneath The Blue Lights: The paramedic podcast brings you authentic voices from frontline uniformed professionals.

  • Writer

    Sirens Sing The Blues is a black humour memoir about life as a paramedic.

  • LGBT Parent

    I write, talk and tweet about my growing rainbow family.